School Houses

Pupils in Key stage 1 and 2 are separated into Houses: Gowan, Belton, Deakin and Scott who are all past headteachers of Hockley Heath School. Throughout their time at school, pupils have a chance to work together to earn points for their house and cultivate that feeling of team spirit through sports events and regular planned opportunities each half term for example Pumpkin carving, Christmas collages and Spelling Bees.

School Council

The School Council play a vital role in the life of our school.  Each class from Year 1 to Year 6 appoints a School Councillor with elections taking place in September. Newly appointed councillors then serve for an entire year.

School Councillors meet each half term and discuss a range of matters relating to the life of school and the wider community.  They are the ‘pupils voice’ and can share concerns, questions and thoughts from their class members.  They also play a key role in liaising with the Governing Body to ensure that the school is a positive place to be.  School Council Reps will engage with the wider community and understand the importance of a democratic society.  They also play a role in fund raising and supporting a range of charities.

The School Council is overseen by Mrs Dyer.

Peer Listeners

We value the relationships between peers and have a group of pupils who are trained to support other pupils throughout the school. They are a valued support network to their peers and are overseen by a trusted adult to help them if a problem is deemed too big for them to solve.

Head Children

Once pupils reach year 6, we ask them to take on additional responsibilities to serve the rest of the school. This can include the role of head children who work alongside the leadership team and house captains who are responsible for bringing their house team together to work towards the goal of winning the house trophy at the end of the year.