At Tudor Grange Primary Academy Hockley Heath, we aim to prepare our pupils for a rapidly changing, technologically rich world through the use of technology. The curriculum we deliver provides our pupils with a wide range of fundamental skills, knowledge and understanding required to use technology safely and creatively. We follow the Teach computing Scheme of work. This is built around an innovative progression framework where computing content has been organised into interconnected networks, where children are taught the theoretical side of Computing and using this knowledge when using various technology in their Computing lessons. We believe our Computing lessons will prepare children to be active participants in a digital world, ensuring that they are digitally literate and are able to express themselves and develop their ideas through information and communication technology.    

It is important that our pupils have a secure understanding of how to stay safe online and critically evaluate their online experiences. It is our intention to embed Online safety across all areas of the curriculum and not just within Computing lessons. 

Below are links to a range of websites to help you find more information about how to use the internet safely, including a letter explaining the National Online Safety website and how you can complete a free training course all about keeping your children safe online. 

National Online Safety 

Keeping children safe online | NSPCC 

Parents and Carers – UK Safer Internet Centre 

Support parents’ understanding of online safety | Internet Matters